Saturday, July 08, 2006

Yugoslavia (SFRJ)

The Modern Yugoslav state was formed when the Communist Partizan forces headed by Marshal Josip Broz Tito seized control of the government and rebuilt Yugoslavia. Tito successfully stripped Serbia of Bosnia, Kraijna, Montenegro, FYROM, and Kosovo. By creating a de-centralized state, Tito destroyed the Serbian nation. He created the Macedonian ethnicity and made Bosnians a separate ethnicity though they are Muslim Serbs and were recognized as that by most of the world.

The SFRJ (Socalist Federative Repuplic of Yugoslavia) was a socialist government with a workers self-management economy. The administrative division were:
1. Bosnia and Herzegovinia
2. Croatia
3. Macedonia (FYROM)
4. Montenegro
5. Serbia
5a. Kosovo (Serbian province)
5b. Vojvodina (Serbian province)
6. Slovenia

The economy of the SFRJ differed greatly from those of other Communist nations. Instead of large state owned factories and farms, the companies were socially owned meaning that the workers had self management. The economy, despite a slight ressecion in the mid-1960's, generally prospered. However, much of the profits were invested in Slovenia and Croatia instead of the other republics even though Serbia had more people and natural resources making it have greater economic potential than the other republics. This left Montenegro and FYROM impoverished and Serbia with an economy unworthy of its potential. The Yugoslav Dinar was the official currency of the SFRJ. The Nationalism that was surpressed under Tito's regime was unleashed and 4 of the six republics declared independence. FYROM and Slovenia broke away peacefully. However, in Croatia and Bosnia, the Serbs there were trying to declare independence and were challenged by the militaries of NATO, the US, Bosnia, Croatia, and a large chink of the UN. The end result was the mass extermination and expulsion of Kraijna Serbs. In BIH however, Serbs have created a Republika Srpska. They are opting for union with the fatherland and are pushing for a referendum. Tito succesfully created a Bosnian and Macedonian ethnicities and thus destroyed Serbia and its former glory. He censored much of Serbian history. The bloodshed of the Civil War was due to Tito's creation of a de-centralized state in which inter-ethnic hatred was rampant. The horrors Serbia endured in the past decade can much be attributed to the SFRJ and Tito. The remaining two republics, Serbia and Montengro would form the FRY, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

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